
Sliding Folding Glass Walls

Perspective Sliding Folding Glass walls acknowledge previous design challenges and create new options for reconfigurable workspace division.

This highly prestigous and aesthetically pleasing system enhances any interior with its elegant profiles, concealed hinges and discreet aluminium frame.

The system is quick and easy to operate, enabling space to be opened and closed quickly. Its incredible 43dB acoustic integrity rating ensures privacy, but without losing space flexibility.

Available either top-hung (for situations where there is adequate primary support) with hinged panels or individual panels, or available as floor-guided (for situations where there is inadequate primary support), and also available as a fully-automatic version with panels operating electronically without any human intervention required – the ultimate in convenience and luxury!

Perspective Gallery


Perspective Projects

A pair of Perspective folding glass wall systems and a four-panel Solo system combined to offer multiple space layouts.

Perspective sliding folding glass wall systems, and Solo acoustic moving walls used to create reconfigurable space within a stunning interior.

A four-panel Perspective folding glass wall system that can be used to create two separate spaces.

Stacking Options

Floor-Guided Hinged Panel Stacking:

Config A: Centre fold
Config A: Centre fold single stack
Config B: End fold single stack
Config B: End fold single stack
Config C: Centre fold, bi-part stack
Config D: End fold, bi-part stack
Config D: End fold, bi-part stack

Floor-Guided Hinged Panel Stacking:

Config A: Centre fold single stack
Config A: Centre fold single stack
Config B: End fold single stack
Config B: End fold single stack
Config C: Centre fold, bi-part stack
Config C: Centre fold, bi-part stack
Config D: End fold, bi-part stack
Config D: End fold, bi-part stack

Floor-Guided Hinged Panel Stacking:

Config A: Single-Point, Centre Stack
Config B: Twin-Point, H-Park
Config B: Twin-Point, H-Park
Config C: Twin-Point, Offset Stack
Config C: Twin-Point, Offset Stack
Config D: Twin-Point, Linear Stack
Config D: Twin-Point, Linear Stack
Config E: Twin-Point, H-Park Split
Config E: Twin-Point, H-Park Split
Config F: Twin-Point, Split Offset Track
Config F: Twin-Point, Split Offset Track

Technical Info

Servicing & Maintenance

For any type of moving wall system, regardless of brand or manufacturer.